


JavaScript String related methods

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# static args(string, args) → {string}

Replaces all occurences of "{#}" in the string by the args.
Name Type Description
string string The original string
args Array.<string> | string The arguments

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The new string

# static capitalize(text) → {string}

Sets the first character of the text to be capital case if it's a letter.
Note that the string is left trimmed first: any leading white space is removed.
Name Type Description
text string The source text

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The new text

# static endsWith(str, suffix) → {bool}

Checks if a string ends with a given suffix
Name Type Description
str string The string to check
suffix string The suffix

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Whether the string ends with the given suffix or not

# static fromSize(size) → {string}

Converts a size in Bytes to a human-readable string with a fitting unit automatically chosen
Note that the conversion uses 1024 Bytes per kB.
Name Type Description
size int The size in Bytes

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The stringified size

# static fullTrim(str) → {String}

Returns a copy of the string without leading and trailing white spaces, and without any new line, leaving only standard spaces.
Name Type Description
str string The string to trim

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The trimmed string

# static generateUnique(newString, stringList, incrementopt, isFileopt) → {string}

Generates a new unique string (numbered)
Name Type Attributes Default Description
newString string The wanted new string
stringList Array.<string> The list of strings where the new one must be generateUnique
increment boolean <optional>
true true to automatically increment the new name if it already ends with a digit
isFile boolean <optional>
false when generating name for files, setting this to true will add the increment before the extension

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The unique string, with a new number at the end if needed.

# static leftTrim(str) → {String}

Returns a copy of the string without leading white spaces.
Name Type Description
str string The string to trim

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The trimmed string

# static occurences(string, item) → {int}

Counts the number of occurences of item in string
Name Type Description
string string The string where to count
item string the string to search

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the number of occurences

# static parseBool(string, caseSensitiveopt) → {boolean}

Parses the string as a boolean.
The following strings are falsy:
'false', '0', '', 'null', 'undefined', 'NaN'.
Note that any string consisiting only in any number of 0 will be falsy.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
string string The string to parse
caseSensitive boolean <optional>
true When false, 'FALSE', 'nan', 'UNdefined'... for example will be falsy too.

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The resulting boolean

# static replace(string, find, replace, caseSensitiveopt) → {string}

Replaces all occurences of a substring by another and returns the new string.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
string string The original string
find string The substring to replace
replace string The new substring to insert
caseSensitive boolean <optional>
true Optionnal. Do a case sensitive search of substring.

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The new string

# static rightTrim(str) → {String}

Returns a copy of the string without trailing white spaces.
Name Type Description
str string The string to trim

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The trimmed string

# static startsWith(str, suffix) → {bool}

Checks if a string starts with a given prefix
Name Type Description
str string The string to check
suffix string The suffix

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Whether the string ends with the given suffix or not

# static toCamelCase(text) → {string}

Generates a camel case text from a snake case or standard one
Name Type Description
text string The source text

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The camelCase version of the text

# static trim(str) → {String}

Returns a copy of the string without leading and trailing white spaces.
Name Type Description
str string The string to trim

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The trimmed string

# static trimNumbers(str) → {String}

Returns a copy of the string without trailing white spaces and numbers.
Name Type Description
str string The string to trim

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The trimmed string

# static unCapitalize(text) → {string}

Sets the first character of the text to be lower case if it's a letter.
Note that the string is left trimmed first: any leading white space is removed.
Name Type Description
text string The source text

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The new text